General Guidelines
Use large print and shade or color block letters when possible. For legibility, a minimum font size of 28
points and a maximum of 600 words are recommended.
Poster Dimension
The poster dimension will be 33 Inch/83 Cm horizontally and 45 Inch/114 Cm vertically in the portrait
When to display your physical Poster?
All physical posters should be displayed on or before 10 AM of the first day of the conference. The
poster panels will be available for you to display your poster one day before the conference.
How to display?
Poster boards (Pin Boards) to put up the posters and thumb pins will be available at the poster panel area.
No sticking tapes to be used.
How to identify your physical poster display panel?
The poster panel will have your poster number and the title of your presentation displayed on it for you
to identify your panel. Volunteers will be available at your service at the panel area to assist you in
finding your panel.
Coimbatore Ophthalmic Association Best Poster Award
The displayed physical posters will be judged for Coimbatore Ophthalmic Association Best Poster
Removal of physical Posters
The Posters should be removed only after 11.00 am on the third day of the conference. Nobody will be
responsible for care / damage to posters after that.